
Thursday 9 December 2021

How To Build Bigger, Striking Biceps

Big biceps workout

If you want to know how to develop bigger and more surprising biceps, here you will find the secrets and tips, for the most important and effective exercises

Every iron fan is interested in developing big, peaky biceps.

Large biceps are immediately associated with great strength and muscle development.

A novice might skip a leg workout, but they'll do it with a lot of enthusiasm on the day they train biceps (with a total lack of a sense of symmetry and proportion, of course).

You can build big biceps by following these guidelines.

Big biceps workout

The function of the biceps muscle

By understanding the true function of the biceps, you can gain more insight into how to train it for great results.

Biomechanically the biceps is classified as a lever with its axis of rotation around the elbow joint.

Those athletes who have the insertion of the biceps farther from the elbow joint are more likely to develop and produce more force, but obtain less development and volume of the same, compared to subjects with insertions close to the elbow.

These leverage factors are determined by genetics and cannot be changed.

Despite genetic factors, you can get very good biceps with great development.

The biceps has two specific functions:

1. The large head draws the forearm towards the arm in a bending motion.

2. The small head turns the hand outward, supinating movement.

For perfect training and to obtain a complete development it is necessary to emphasize both functions.

Tips to train amazing biceps

The biceps is a small muscle that requires strict training and specific exercises.

To get full development, one of the secrets to amazing biceps is to isolate the muscle.

Poor techniques such as overusing impulses or clean and jerks transfer work to other areas giving poor growth gains.

It is important when we train our biceps not to lose tension on the muscle.

  • Performing the exercises with the full range of motion, a short pause at the end and the beginning of the exercise ensures a full movement is performed.
  • Pre-extension technique, performed at the beginning of an exercise, increases the production of muscle force through the elastic energy of the muscle, an example is the incline bench dumbbell curl starting with the elbows a little further behind the line torso.
  • Progression, try whenever you can without sacrificing the technique increase the weight or number of repetitions for continuous growth, muscle growth is the result of overload, this means that a muscle will not change unless it is progressively imposed to lift more weight or do more reps or shorten rest times between sets. When we put new stress on our muscles, it compensates for it by increasing their size and strength.
  • Rest is very important, a correct rest time for the biceps is estimated to be approximately 72 hours.
  • Work the biceps completely, both the concentric movement (lifting) and the eccentric or negative movement (lowering the weight) are equally important for the great development of the biceps, a curl should take 2 seconds to lift the weight and 4 seconds to lower it.
  • Do not overtrain, the biceps is a small muscle and very easy to overtrain, the main symptom of overtraining is a lack of progress.
  • Do no more than 10 sets for biceps, 12 sets for very advanced athletes.
  • Vary exercises, perform curls with different angles.
  • Perform fewer sets, a bicep workout treated like a large muscle like the chest or back leads to loss of muscle mass.
  • Use weights that you can handle with control and concentration.
  • If you use high reps, switch to a higher weight, low reps workout, or vice versa to surprise the muscle.
Big biceps workout

The best exercises for biceps

1. Barbell Curl: Do the curls with strict style, keep your elbows fixed to the sides and avoid giving clean and jerks or impulses putting your lower back at risk, a very good exercise for general muscle mass.

2. Scott bench curl: This exercise isolates the biceps perfectly and by varying the angle of the bench you can work the lower or upper part of it more. An angle close to 90 degrees affects the peak of the biceps more and with the normal or inclined angle places more stress on the lower part of it, you can vary between straight bar, EZ bar, or dumbbells.

3. Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl: A favorite exercise used by Arnold and many bodybuilding champions, use a full, wide movement and don't forget to supinate on the bicep contraction, great for the upper bicep.

4. Standing dumbbell curl: Exercise to work the entire mass of the biceps, for complete development of it, supination movements must be included and that can only be achieved with dumbbell work. Start with the dumbbells at the sides with the palms facing the thighs, when the dumbbell begins to rise we turn our wrists to finish with the contraction up with the palms of the hands trying to point outwards, this exercise can also be done sitting or alternately.

5. Concentrated dumbbell curl: Exercise to shape and mainly used to achieve a peak in the biceps and also involves the brachialis, it can be done sitting supporting the arm on the inner thigh or standing bent forward with the dumbbell hanging, try to supinate in the final position.

Example of routines for biceps


1. Barbell Curl: 3 sets of 10 reps

2. Seated Dumbbell Curl: 2 sets of 10 reps


1. Barbell Curl: 3 sets of 8 reps

2. Incline Dumbbell Curl: 3 sets of 10 reps

3. Concentrated curl: 2 sets of 12 reps


1. Barbell Curl: 4 sets of 8 reps

2. Scott Bench Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps

3. Concentrated curl: 4 sets of 12 reps

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